There are a lot of reviews out there for beach carts. The problem is… most people who write these reviews don’t live at the beach, they don’t use these products, they don’t fish, they don’t have to lug them to the beach, and they have no idea what they are talking about. They
I’m not going to put a bunch of fluff in this article. I just want to get to the point and tell you what you need to know about beach carts. They need to get your stuff to the beach with the least amount of effort. So there are three things to consider. #1) How much stuff I need to get to the beach #2) What is the beach made of? (Is it rocky, compact sand, loose sand) and #3) what other obstacles are between me and the beach? (are there stairs at the beach access, curbs, elevators, crowds of people)
There are also three types of people reading this article and so there are three “Best Beach Carts” for each one of these three types of people. Don’t worry, I know who you are.
#1) They guy who lives at the beach and needs to walk a block or two to get all of his stuff to the beach.
#2)The fisherman who either lives at the beach or goes to the beach several times a year and has a bit more gear.
#3) The Weekend Warrior who brings the whole FamDamily down for a week once a year.
I guess I should make a quick note for the political correctness police. I said there are three types of guys reading this article. Yes, I’m stereotyping because the guys are usually the ones lugging all the stuff to the beach, so I don’t want anyone to get offended. You ladies are welcome to pull the beach cart too. In fact, my recommendation is so good you might not even mind doing it. Ok, let’s continue.
Guy number one, let’s start with you. You live at the beach or have a vacation house at the beach. But you don’t live beachfront and you need to get your stuff to and from the beach. You’ve tried the Walmart beach cart and maybe one or two other things. But, they don’t last more than about a year and they are still hard to pull through the sand and you’re tired of replacing them. Here is the truth of the matter. I’m quite frugal and I’m always

My number one choice for the non-fisherman who needs to get beach chairs and a cooler and maybe an umbrella… here is your beach cart. The folding beach cart. You can pack a couple of chairs against the trolly, then your cooler and an umbrella packed on the side and strap it all down. I’ve devised a system to hook some fishing rod holders on the side but it starts to get a little complicated. At first, it seems like a pain strapping everything down, but you will get it down to a science and get used to it. This option is really for someone who doesn’t need a ton of stuff. I own it and I tend to use it when I’m just going to the beach for a quick trip but I need a chair and a cooler. And do not get the one with the bigger tires. Get the one with the smaller tires. This one is best served for short trips and the big tires are overkill and they can get hung up on the beach access and it just takes up more room. This one also folds and you can hang it on the wall in your garage, so it doesn’t take a ton of room. It’s a good option if you live in a condo or small apartment too. It will fit in your coat closet. One caveat I’ll mention is that if you have a lot of stairs to deal with at your house or the beach access, the bigger tires do may make it easier to go up and down. But go with your tape measure and check the width of the beach access. I might be smaller than you think. The same thing goes for elevators if that is something you have to deal with.
Guy number two… Your up. I’m also this guy, so you’re in good hands. I can’t really sit on the beach without having a fishing rod and a line in the water. I made a custom beach cart to do exactly what I wanted. I also thought I could build it cheaper than I could buy it. I was right and I was wrong. I did build what I wanted. But, I’m on version 6.2 and I still don’t have it quite perfect. It’s the one in the picture made out of
Guy number Three. You spend a week or two at the beach every year. You fall into one of two categories. Either you what the best stuff to make your trip easier and look cool while you’re doing it or you want the cheapest thing you can get to move your stuff from point A to point B.
If you are in the first category you’re willing to get a receiver hitch and platform to haul the cart or have it take up most of the bed of your truck. You want to take it the fishing pier and to the beach with your family. For you, money isn’t an obstacle. You just want to know what it will work the best and where you can buy it. I’ve got you covered. You’re actually the easiest one to satisfy. And I’m going to do another article about “all of the best products for your beach vacations” so stay tuned for that one. You should just go ahead and get the same cart that guy number two bought. If you fall into category number two then you aren’t going to spend the extra money for the Wheeleez type of tires. So the type of beach you will be visiting is really going to dictate what cart you need. But the best rule of thumb is to get the widest tires you can get. They will displace the weight the best no matter what type of sand you encounter. I’d suggest something like the Sekey Folding Wagon Cart. It has wide wheels, and it folds up to take up less space in your garage until next year when you use it again.
And finally, there is actually one more guy. He is the “other guy”. The “other guy” is the one that will read this whole post and not listen to anything I said because he is still going to try to build his own beach cart and save some money. I respect that. I shot a video when I was making my cart so I could make a tutorial on how
That’s it. I really don’t need to talk about a bunch of beach carts that suck. The key is the tires. There are the best type of tires for the beach and then the ones that cost a little less but don’t work as well. I hope this was help and if you been reading reviews and watching videos maybe this will help you realize your overthinking it, Just buy one of these and be done with it.